Ready to take your trucking business to the next level?

"New Training REVEALS How To Increase Revenue And Get More Home Time...

"New Training REVEALS How To Increase Revenue And Get More Home Time...

"Without Wasting 10 Hours In the Sleeper Or Getting Hours Of Service Violations..."

"Without Wasting 10 Hours In the Sleeper Or Getting Hours Of Service Violations..."

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I'd like to run more efficiently, gain more flexibility, and avoid violations by using the Sleeper correctly.



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I'd like to run more efficiently, gain more flexibility, and avoid violations by using the Sleeper correctly.


So, How Do You Run More Efficiently

(AKA Make More Money)

Without Racking Up Violations?

From: John Seidl
Germantown, Wisconsin

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

You started your own trucking company…

You got your authority and bought trucks…

You read the Green Book…

You hired drivers and trained them…

You signed up for insurance…

You paid your dues…

But no matter how hard you work or how honest you try to be...

CSA violations keep piling up...

Insurance premiums keep going up...

Gas prices never stop going up...

And you’re not sure this trucking business was a good idea.

I’ve been there too...

Right now, the whole economy is tanking and there’s a “shortage of truckers”

But we all know what’s really going on...

With all the challenges truck drivers and trucking companies deal with in today’s market, you really have only ONE option...

Run more efficiently than every other trucking company in your peer group.

Have you ever thought...

These giant trucking companies make crazy profit when the markets are good but even when the markets are bad, they still beat us out


How Do These Other Trucking Companies Do It?

I can teach you how they do it because I’m the one who taught them.

Who am I?

My name is John Seidl, and I'm an Ex-DOT officer, Army Veteran, FMCSA Investigator, and HAZMAT Inspector. I'm currently a DOT consultant and provide insurance services to motor carriers. I don't think there's anyone on this planet who's as obsessed with DOT and FMCSA compliance as I am.

How did I get here?

Let me tell you a story...

More than a decade ago, I DOT’d a trucking company and gave them a Conditional rating for a huge chunk of Hour of Service violations.

But something was VERY wrong...

You see, every violation came from drivers submitting false logbooks. Something the company owner didn’t even know was happening.

He’d trained his drivers and trusted them to do everything correctly, but they didn’t.

And now he was going to pay the price…

That conditional rating would instantly double their insurance premiums and they’d have to pay a $50,000 fine.

Beyond that, their conditional rating pushed a LARGE beverage manufacturer to almost cancel their contract with the trucking company.

Without that contract, this trucking company would have to close its doors for good.

That may not seem like much to you, but for this trucking company...

That Conditional rating was as bad as a Nuclear Verdict.

It meant a total of 120 people put out of house and home because a handful of dishonest drivers lied about their logbooks.


Even though I was kind of the "enemy" in this situation...

Even though I was kind of the
"enemy" in this situation...

I was NOT okay with this...

I wasn't going to let a handful of dishonest drivers destroy a 3rd generation family business.

I sat down with the owner and walked him through each and every point of his FMCSA safety rating.

But I didn't stop there, I took him - step-by-step - through exactly what he needed to do to keep his tires turning and recover his large customer contract.

14 months later...

It was a completely different trucking company.

Not only had they maintained their contract...

But they also cut their insurance payments by almost 60%.

They were more profitable and safer than they were before my investigation.


Similar stories happened over and over again while I was an FMCSA Investigator.

Similar stories happened
over and over again while I was
an FMCSA Investigator.

And I got sick of it.

So I helped those companies #BeatTheDOT and run efficient, profitable trucking companies.

The companies that work with me:

Deliver more loads than their competitors, have longer-term contracts, get paid better, and they get to go home and sleep at night.

And the really dedicated have such good CSA ratings that they get paid to carry insurance.

Yes! That IS possible.

How Does That Sound
To You?

How Does That Sound To You?

If you're like most trucking companies, that might seem pretty far-fetched…

But it's true AND they started from the same place you're in...

And you can have the same success they have.

What seemed impossible before (more profit, less risk) is now a reality.

You see, FMCSA regs change all the time, and they change in unexpected ways.

And one important tip…

STOP relying on the "truck-stop lawyers" hanging around the twinkie stand giving you advice on how this or that works. If you want to win at the game of trucking, that’s not going to cut it.

You have to do things differently… you have to be smarter.


I remember another time when I was referred into a company with a Conditional rating and elevated CSA scores.

Through a lot of hard work with the customer and myself, we were able to upgrade the rating to Satisfactory and reduce CSA scores to where there are currently no CSA alerts at all.

That translated to higher rates at brokers and shippers and a reduced cost in insurance in both the short and long term.

For a company with 30 trucks, a Conditional rating, and 2 alerts...

Upgrading to Satisfactory with no alerts saved $60,000 off the yearly insurance premium.

These kinds of results are not for the lazy…

They are the result of hundreds of smart decisions, day in and day out, like clockwork.

And I am here to show you how you can do it too!


Let Me Walk You Through
The Numbers...

If you get placed out-of-service at roadside because you mis-used Split Sleeper, you will be shut down for a minimum of 10 hours.

At 60 miles an hour, that equate losing almost 600 miles of driving time.

600 miles at $3/'ll lose $1,800 of revenue because you pushed the little Split Sleeper button at the wrong time.

Not only is it embarrassing to lose $1,800 for pushing a little button at the wrong time...

But that’s if you only have 1 truck.

And that doesn't even include the future increase to your CSA Scores and insurance premiums…

What if you had 10 drivers do this and they all get shutdown?

That's an $18,000 in just 1 day!

From pushing a little button at the wrong time.

Now, you could try to use Split Sleeper without my guidance...

Do it WRONG...

Get shutdown for 10 hours...

Lose $1,800 PER DRIVER, PER shutdown.

Plus increase your CSA scores...

Plus increase your insurance premiums.


  • You make this TINY investment in your company of just $9.95…
  • ​Learn from me and...
  • ​Get it right the first time.​

You NEED to use Personal Conveyance CORRECTLY, so you don't get shutdown.

Here’s a bit of honest truth:

Companies and drivers who implement my frameworks make more money than those who don't.

It really is that simple.

"What Would Happen To Your Business If You Worked Smarter Not Harder!?!"

After years of helping trucking companies work smarter not harder…

I realized there weren’t enough hours in the day to help everyone who needed help.

True, my client’s were growing exponentially...

But what about all the companies I couldn’t reach?

At best, I could only help about 3% of trucking companies.

That’s when it hit me…

If I could record my trainings and distributed them on the internet, it would be like I was duplicating myself.

I’d be able to help more companies than ever before.

That’s when Trucking Wins was born.

Today, Trucking Wins Premium has 1,737 enrollments and is growing every day.

Are you ready to join the ranks of the Trucking Wins movement?

Are you ready to take your company from struggling to successful?

Are you ready to #BeatTheDOT?

If so, you need to sign up for Split Sleeper Secrets.


Frankly, you are probably splitting your sleeper wrong, getting violations for it, getting shut down for it, and getting your insurance premiums jacked up because of it.

You can stop all that madness if you sign up for Split Sleeper Secrets today!

What are you going to get:

Split Sleeper Secrets:
The Underground Playbook

On Increasing Revenue And Getting More Home Time Without Getting Stuck In The Sleeper For 10 hours Or Getting Hours Of Service Violations.


I have the luxury of over 20 years of experience with every DOT regulation including Split Sleeper.

If you are a driver, company official, or trucking company owner - these Split Sleeper Secrets will increase revenue, avoid violations, give your drivers more flexibility on the job, get your driver's more home time, AND get the job done faster.

Who is this for?

Trucking companies in every market you can dream of.

  • Hazmat
  • Agricultural
  • ​​Over-the-road
  • ​​Reefer
  • ​Auto Hauler
  • Container Hauler
  • Tanker
  • ​​Heavy Equipment Hauler
  • ​Just Got Your CDL or Authority!
  • Container Hauler
  • Tanker
  • ​​Heavy Equipment Hauler
  • ​Just Got Your CDL or Authority!

Sign Up Now...

I'd like you to have INSTANT ACCESS to my brand new, one-of-a-kind course, ASAP!


Like I mentioned before, I really want this to reach as many people as possible which is why it’s only $9.95.

All you need to take the leap and sign up for Split Sleeper now!


What Are Others Already Saying About 'Split Sleeper Secrets?'

"John Has Really Good Knowledge Of The Regulations, How They Work, And How Motor Carriers Can Make Them Work To Their Advantage."

"John Has Really Good Knowledge Of
The Regulations, How They Work, And How Motor Carriers
Can Make Them Work To Their Advantage."

John Lampsa

Founded UrsaLogistics (270 Units)
Owner At TruckSERV

"The Knowledge That JohnAs Given Me Is Better Than Any School I Could Have Ever Gone To"

"The Knowledge That JohnAs Given Me Is Better Than
Any School I Could Have Ever Gone To"

Michele Moss

Owner At Moss Trucking (18 Units)

"...Even If They've Been In Business 20 Years...
John's Taught Them Something New On Every
Level Of The Trucking!"

"...Even If They've Been In Business 20 Years... John's Taught Them Something New On Every Level Of The Trucking!"

Mark Sczerba

President At CMM Trucking (50 Units)

"The Difference With John Is He Understand The Full Picture Of Trucking And Arms Trucking Companies With Tools To Improve Their Risk Profile And Increase Profitability!"

Jesse Ball

President At Start Line Trucking (66 Units)

"When We Switched Over From Paper Logs To ELDs, John Was Very Knowledgeable With That."

Joe Kolnik

Owner Kolnik Trucking (26 Units)

"Within No Time, Our Safety Rating Was Back To Very,
Very Good!"

Mike Pope

President At Pope Trucking (25 Units)

As You Can See...

Split Sleeper Secrets Has Already Helped Hundreds Of Drivers And Companies...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

Sign Up Now...

I'd Like To Give You INSTANT Access To My Brand New, One-Of-A-Kind Course, ASAP!


Like I mentioned before, I really want this to reach as many people as possible which is why it’s only $9.95.

All you need to take the leap and sign up for Split Sleeper now!


There Is

We always deliver.

This is a ONE-TIME charge and I don't pocket a penny of it. 100% of the money that comes in from Split Sleeper Secrets goes straight back into Trucking Wins so I can expand this platform and reach more trucking companies.

And in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It's my way of saying thank you for being the backbone of the economy. Everything I have ever purchased in my life has come to me on a truck. THANK YOU!
  • ​​I'm actually an insurance agent placing motor carriers in insurance policies... so it doesn't hurt me to share some of my best stuff with you.
  • ​​​​I get another one of my products in your hands, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
  • ​​They nicknamed me "Johnny Law" for a reason... I'm not going to lie. I'm sick of people throwing out trucking advice without any real knowledge of the LAW to back it up.
  • ​​I think​ 99% of what most truckers and trucking-consultants think they know about DOT and FMCSA is complete BS... so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to get the TRUTH out there.

Time Is Of
The Essence...

Here's why...

I'm not profiting from selling Split Sleeper Secrets at all. But Trucking Wins is a business and I do sell other products.

I will raise the price in the future.

More importantly, think about YOUR future and YOUR career in trucking...

What will your life and business be like if you DON'T take me up on this offer?

Trucking is getting more regulation, not less.

Competition is growing, the market is unstable.

Fuel prices are going up, up, up!

The trucking companies and drivers that DON'T apply the knowledge I teach will fail.

It's sad to say that, but it's true.

Now, what could your life be like if you DO take me up on Split Sleeper Secrets?

You could:

  • Making more money AND having more home time?
  • ​Avoid violations
  • ​Lower CSA scores
  • ​Pay lower insurance premiums
  • ​​#BeatTheDOT because you know the Split Sleeper regs better than they do

Get in NOW if you're ready to take your career in trucking to the next level (aka create a bullet-proof trucking company).

Just Imagine...

What would your life be like if you DID take me up on Split Sleeper Secrets?

Like this:

  • Increased revenue
  • ​More home time
  • ​Fewer logbook violations
  • ​​Lower insurance premiums
  • ​More loads than ever before

Get in NOW if you're ready to take your career in trucking to the next level.

*If this page is still here, then the offer is live, but I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is The
"Trucking Wins"

100% guarantee that you'll love this training, or I'll refund your $9.95.

Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked. Sound more than fair?


Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 'Split Sleeper Secrets' Today!

  • ​Split Sleeper Foundations
    ($97 Value)
  • ​​​​Ultimate Split Sleeper Tactics
    ($297 Value)
  • ​Hands-Free Audio Version
    ($97 Value)
  • ​​INSTANT Access To The Course
  • ​Split Sleeper Foundations ​                     ($97 Value)
  • ​​​​Ultimate Split Sleeper Tactics           ($297 Value)
  • ​Hands-Free Audio Version                    ($97 Value)
  • ​​INSTANT Access To The Course           (Priceless)

Total Value: $491

Get Instant Access Today For


No Tricks. No Gimmicks.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Seat NOW Before It's Too Late...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the course!

John Seidl

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you my high-end split-sleeper course, Split Sleeper Secrets: The Underground Playbook On Increasing Revenue And Getting More Home Time Without Getting Stuck In The Sleeper For 10 hours Or Getting Hours Of Service Violations.”

FOR JUST $9.95.

Yes, this course is just $9.95 (for now), and all you need to do is sign up and you’ll get instant access.

There's no catch... no gimmicks... Split Sleeper Secrets is NOT a "trial" or yearly subscription.

If fact, if you don't love the course - I'll even refund your $9.95!

So, Click the button below to get INSTANT access now. You won't regret it.

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I'd like to help you run more efficiently, gain more flexibility, and avoid violations by using PC correctly.



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I'd like to give you INSTANT access to my one-of-a-kind trucking course, NOW.


This course provides valuable trucking and compliance strategies and tactics that I and others have vigorously tested and re-tested. My company, Trucking Wins, which is referenced at times in the course, is a DOT and FMCSA consultancy that helps existing trucking businesses make more money each and every day. TruckingWins makes no claims or representation that by using TruckingWins you will earn money or make your money back. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying clients and customers of Trucking Wins. Their results are not typical, and your experience will vary based upon the effort, education, and dedication of your employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone’s control.

Trucking Wins, LLC - © 2023+ All Rights Reserved | Germantown, WI
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